This simple set of home balance exercises is good for seniors, the middle aged, and young people. Learn how to improve your balance at home with beginner, intermediate, and advanced versions of thi...
You won’t make progress with your balance in the long run unless you understand WHY you’re trying to improve your balance. If you have the right reasons AND some simple techniques, you can make hug...
Let's talk about death, dying, and what you can do to prepare yourself for life AND death.
How do you strengthen your hamstrings when you can't stand up? This simple hamstring exercise will build leg strength even if you are stuck in a wheel chair. Over time, you'll improve your leg stre...
In this ergonomic keyboard review, we'll be looking at the Cloud Nine ErgoTKL. We'll dive into the reasons why you want an ergonomic keyboard, the different levels of ergonomic keyboards, and which...
Learn how to fix posterior pelvic tilt with this comprehensive video on posterior tilt. You’ll learn 6 key exercises for posterior pelvic tilt plus several progressions and regressions for the stre...
Strengthen your hips and improve hip mobility with this exercise for Hip External Rotation. You may have already tried hip external rotation exercises like the clam or clamshell, and you may have t...
This exercise for tensor fascia lata will strengthen and relieve pain in the TFL. Stretches for the TFL as well as massage often don't fully resolve pain in a tight TFL. Using simple strength exerc...
Some extra tips to help you improve your posture so you can rehab your shoulder.
Use these 3 anti-aging exercises to stay young at heart, body, and mind. I'll explain these 3 simple exercises, what they'll do for your body, and what you can do to improve your physical strength....
Let's talk about why old people can't jump, how you can improve your ability to jump, and how to stay safe when trying to improve your jumping ability. This video is especially for seniors and olde...
A student of the FAI Fix program asks about pinching in the hip when doing an inner thigh stretch (aka goalie stretch). We discuss how to fix pinching in the hips when stretching, how to use contra...