Many people neglect the muscles that help you internally rotate the hip. Internal rotation stretches alone often aren't enough to improve hip internal rotation. By adding hip strengthening exercise...
Don't be blind to this simple truth about your body. If you remain clouded with ignorance, you'll be hurting, frustrated, and helpless. Once you understand this key idea, you'll be able to help rel...
In this video we discuss simple stretches to fix foot pain. You'll learn two stretches that fixed my plantar fasciitis foot pain, and one strengthening exercise that will help you relieve and preve...
Got hip pain? Tight inner thigh muscles? Feel tension and stiffness in your groin? Try this inner thigh stretch to loosen your groin muscles. You'll loosen up tight inner thighs and improve your hi...
Physician John Sarno wrote a book called "Healing Back Pain" that introduced the idea of tension myositis. Does this theory of chronic pain make sense? What about when doctors tell you that your pa...
These wrist exercises will help you get stronger wrists. You don't need special equipment. These wrist exercises don't require you to buy any expensive wrist pain treatment devices. You can strengt...
Two doctors discuss the possibility of strengthening your hips without surgery, fixing back pain with stretching, hip problems that happen with pregnancy for women, and how to live well and for as ...
What to do about tension headaches? Is swimming good exercise? Can't feel one side of your glutes (gluteal amnesia)? Barefoot shoes for small feet? A big day of questions!
If you've got constipation and poo problems, the SquatJoy may help you smooth out your bowel movements and get your bowel movements feeling easy and regular. In this video, we look at the challenge...
If you get wrist pain while doing push-ups, this video will show you what to do. You'll learn how to fix your wrist pain with stretches and exercises and also how to do push-ups so you don't make y...
I get tons of shoulder tension and back pain from surfing if I don't exercise and stretch properly. In this video, I share 4 KEYS to fixing shoulder pain, back pain, and how to apply it anywhere yo...
What happens when stretching a tight muscle doesn't work? What's the best strategy to fix a tight muscle that won't loosen with massage or stretching? Find out what to do when stretching doesn't wo...