Are wide pushups bad for you? shoulder health

Often when people first start to experiment with wide pushups, they experience one of two things: either they have shoulder pain, or someone tells them that they should stop doing wide push ups becaus...

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Hard to get up from a chair? Part 2: Exercises to help you stand up hip health

This is Part 2 in a series. If you want a more detailed understanding of WHY you have trouble getting up out of a chair, check out Part 1 here. 

A quick summary of why it's hard to get up from a ch...

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Hard to stand up after long periods of sitting? Part 1: The WHY hip health

These days, a lot of people feel like it's hard to stand up after long periods of sitting. 

You're at the office, working on a report for a few hours, and you go to get something from the printer. Wh...

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Joint Injections for Pain – Do Risks Outweigh Benefits? hip health whole body health


Introduction to Joint Injections for Pain Relief 

Steroid injections are becoming as common as advil these days to treat joint pain. Doctors offer steroid injections to people suffering with hip, ...

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Get a Deep Squat? Why bone shapes don’t matter and how to get deeper hip health

Your deep squat sucks.

You keep finding yourself stuck with your hips way above your knees. No matter how many times you try to go deeper, it just feels like you're stuck. 

Your trainer or a P.T. mi...

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How to roll over in bed during pregnancy whole body health

You're pregnant. Your belly is bigger than you ever imagined, and your abdominals no longer work. At all. They're too stretched out.

It turns so bad to roll over in bed...

Is it even possible to rol...

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Mattress firmness: firm, soft, medium? How to choose the right bed whole body health


You just want a good night's sleep.

Maybe your bed is super old. 

Maybe you're 99% sure that your current bed is contributing to your back pain, hip pain, or shoulder pain. 

As you start navigat...

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How to setup your ergonomic workstation in a hotel shoulder health

These days, a lot of us travel for work. Business consultants, software engineers, and even trainers like me find ourselves working in coffee shops, restaurants, and hotel rooms on our laptops. So whe...

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Why Health is Countercultural (and how to be healthy and fit) whole body health


Normal life makes you unhealthy

This morning I had a REAL conversation with a client.  She's been digging into understanding and exploring her body.  She's asking the right questions and putting i...

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Is massage always good for neck and shoulder pain? shoulder health spine health

If you’ve ever had aches and pains in your neck and shoulders, you have probably been told that you need to get a massage. When that doesn’t seem to provide long-term relief for you or you get tired o...

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