The Perfect Chair? Qor360 Ariel Review videos

The Qor360 Ariel is supposed to be a perfect office chair. But is it? Qor360 sent this to me to review for free. They aren’t paying me for the review. And I do not have an affiliate link at the time o...

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The Worst Thing for Hip Pain (+ Hip Exercises to Do Instead) videos

The biggest hip pain mistake people make is to rest too much. If you rest too much, your hip pain will get worse. In this video you'll learn how to prevent hip pain and how to relieve hip pain with a ...

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What is the Asian Squat? videos

Learn the truly fake history of the Asian squat and how it came to be known as the Asian squat, Slav Squat, Gopnik Squat, Human squat, Primal Squat, Resting Squat, etc. You'll learn what Genghis Khan ...

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How to Walk Downstairs Properly videos

Have pain walking downstairs? Knee and hip hurt when you walk down stairs and steps? Watch this video to learn how to walk downstairs properly and how to build leg strength to do it safely.



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How to Fix Knots Between Shoulder Blades videos

Massage for knots between your shoulder blades often doesn't work. Stretching for knots between shoulder blades often doesn't work. In this video, you'll learn how to release the tension between shoul...

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Asian Squat: Bad for Knees? videos

Doctors and physical therapists often say that the deep Asian squat is bad for your knees. In this video, you'll learn where this bad for your knees mythology comes from. You'll learn why westerners o...

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Good Posture: How Functional Training Can Help You Stand Taller hip health posture spine health whole body health

Pain relief, confidence, and better athletic performance can all come from correcting bad posture. Learn how to hold your body more efficiently with functional training.

Table of Contents

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Touch Your Toes Today - 2 Exercises You Need videos

If you have stiff hamstrings, you probably can't touch your toes. To get more flexible to touch your toes, you need to strengthen your hip flexors and learn how to stretch your hamstrings properly. Th...

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Knee and Hip Pain Going Upstairs videos

If you or someone you know has trouble walking upstairs because of pain and/or weakness, make sure to watch this video. You'll learn some simple ways to build leg strength so you can walk upstairs wit...

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Knee Strengthening Exercises for the Asian Squat videos

If you want to do a deep squat like the Slav Squat / Asian Squat / Primal Squat, you need to have flexible and strong knees. You need full knee range of motion. In this video, you'll learn how to stre...

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How to Stretch Hip Flexors the Right Way videos

Learn how to stretch tight hip flexors properly. You'll learn how to do a standing psoas stretch and a kneeling psoas stretch. You'll also learn how to release your psoas and iliacus with flexibility ...

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Massage Doesn't Fix Shoulder Tension videos

If you get tension in your shoulders from working at a computer all day, this video will help you. Tight shoulders don't just come from working too much. Tight shoulders also come from underusing your...

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