PRP Injections: Are They Worth it for Arthritis and Joint Pain? hip health knee health shoulder health

Are PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections worth it for joint pain? Photo by

Osteoarthritis, labral tears, and cartilage and tendon pain can all prompt doctors to prescribe platelet-rich p...

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How do you fix trigger points with FAI? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

You’ve been told you’ve got hip impingement. You don’t want surgery. You’ve started learning how to exercise your hips and to do massage work on yourself. Now you’ve discovered TRIGGER POINTS!


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What are real success rates for surgery for femoroacetabular impingement? hip health

When you do research on FAI surgery, you often come across numbers that sound spectacular. You find claims that hip surgery for FAI is about 80% effective in curing your hip pain.

If this number were...

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Shoulder pain from labral tears: are labral tears really causing the problem? shoulder health

If you've been told you have a labral tear and that it's the cause of your shoulder pain and movement issues, there's something you need to know: Labral tears are not as important as your doctor think...

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Is Arthoscopic Hip Surgery for FAI better than physical therapy? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

New Study Compares Arthroscopic Surgery for FAI to Conservative Treatment

In a recent study, researchers compared the effectiveness of arthroscopic surgery for FAI versus conservative treatment (non-...

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Hip injection for FAI and labral tears: is it worth it? Is it accurate? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

Are you considering a hip injection to test for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)? Has a hip surgeon told you he can use a hip injection to diagnose FAI or a labral tear with certainty? In this artic...

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How Shifting Your Perspective on Chronic Pain Can Help You Heal foot health hip health knee health shoulder health


When it comes to lower back, hip, and knee pain, we can get caught in a cycle of beliefs that can make our pain worse. Here's how functional training may be the way to break the cycle. 


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Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – Is It Worth It? shoulder health

Functional training may help relieve thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms, including cold and numb hands. Learn the risks of TOS surgery, along with less-risky thoracic outlet syndrome treatments, includ...

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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Is It a Bone Problem That Needs a Surgical Solution? shoulder health

Fixing Shoulder Impingement and Its Attendant Pain Means Taking a Closer Look at Your Functional Movement—Not that Your Bones Are Built Badly

Table of Contents

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Special tests for FAI - the truth about FADIR and FABER and other hip impingement tests femoroacetabular impingement hip health

If you have hip pain, and you've been told you have femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), you may have had a series of movement tests (called "special tests" in medical jargon) done to confirm your diag...

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Diagnostic injections and femoroacetabular impingement femoroacetabular impingement hip health

If you suspect you have hip pain from femoroacetabular impingement, you may be considering a hip injection. 

I've been doing a lot of research on FAI. In a recent YouTube comment, an orthopedic physi...

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Can you trust an MRI for back pain? spine health

Back pain is one of the most common complaints in the modern world. It’s irritating. It’s debilitating. I know from personal experience. But with hindsight, I am grateful I never got an MRI for back p...

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