ATM Theory: Your Joint Pain May Actually be Muscle Pain foot health hip health knee health shoulder health spine health whole body health


ATM = Always Think Muscles. When you’re trying to get to the root of your joint pain, don’t forget to assess muscle function around the joint. Chances are, this is where your challenge lies, and th...

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What to do When Functional Movement Training is Painful whole body health

Muscle imbalances and dysfunction can cause chronic pain, and fixing those imbalances and dysfunctions can be painful. The good news is that, in most cases, the pain is just a temporary step on the ro...

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Should your knees go over your toes in the squat? hip health knee health


Squats. Split squats.

If you've ever taken a group fitness class, you've done them. If you've ever had a trainer, you've done them. If you've had a forward-thinking chiropractor or massage therap...

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New technology for true health... whole body health


When a new technology arrives, we are focused on the problems it solves. The inventors and marketers see the benefits of their new product, but they aren't yet aware of the downsides.
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Modern causes of anterior pelvic tilt anterior pelvic tilt hip health


Anterior tilt of the pelvis is when you're spilling your guts out and jamming your spine into extension all day.

It contributes to back, hip, knee, and leg pain.

People often ask: HOW DID THIS HA...

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A simple home exercise for rounded shoulders posture shoulder health videos


Looking for a simple beginner exercise for rounded shoulders? No gym but still want to improve your posture and shoulder strength? This shoulder exercise will build arm and shoulder strength and ca...

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PRP injection or PAO for hip dysplasia: Erica's story hip health whole body health


"I spent my Thanksgiving break in bed crying and researching surgery options..."

I want to share an important story with you today. Here's the background.

I've been coaching a young woman named E...

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They are slandering your beautiful moving machine. whole body health


You are building a self-feeding, self-maintaining machine. 

You give it feedback mechanisms that enable it to regulate and meet its own needs. It senses when it needs to ingest fluids and solid m...

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Injuries, surgeries, and hip pain recovery: life after the NFL hip health


Today we are looking at the story of BK – his life during and after the NFL, and how hip pain drastically affected his quality of life.

As personal trainers who specialize in working with people w...

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Break Phone and Internet Addiction with these alternative activities whole body health


In a previous article, I talked about phone and internet addiction being a major contributor to my own history of chronic pain.

I addressed the ways in which constant compulsive phone and computer...

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Injected relief is a dose of long-term damage whole body health


If you are an athlete with recurrent or chronic pain or hang around people with recurrent or chronic pain, you’ve probably heard of cortisone injections. They’re these wonderful injections that (wh...

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Cut Screen Time to Relieve Stress and Pain whole body health

If you’re experiencing back, shoulder, or hip pain, consider cutting how much time you spend scrolling through social media on your phone or working from bed on your laptop. These modern-day habits cr...

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