Learn how to fix your back pain forever.
Say goodbye to constant massage and chiropractic appointments, stomach-irritating pain killers, and pointless visits to the doctor.
The fight against back pain is frustrating and full of fear-inspiring statements from doctors, therapists, and surgeons.
Chiropractors tell you they can help you—but you have to commit to having your back cracked once a week for the rest of your life.
Massages only help for a day or two.
The pills hurt your stomach, mess with your head, and don't ever get to the root of the problem.
And then someone starts talking about surgery...
If this sounds familiar and you're tired of being trapped in the never-ending cycle of treatments, this online program was designed for you.

I couldn't even dream of doing this when I was in my teens (two decades ago).
I'm Matt Hsu from Upright Health, and my team and I created the Back Pain Fix to help you beat back pain and get your life back.
When I was 16, I got hit by a wave at the beach, and it put me into a tailspin of back pain. I had X-rays, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, and even opiates to try to fix my back, but nothing seemed to work.
For years, my back felt weak, stiff, and sore. I couldn't stand in one spot for more than a few minutes. I could always feel that my back was just plain NOT RIGHT.
Pain pills didn't feel like the right solution, and the Vicodin my primary care physician prescribed made me feel woozy. When I did take them, my friends thought I was drunk. In hindsight, I was very fortunate I didn't get addicted to those pills.
I wanted to be able to play hockey again. I wanted to be able to go to a concert with friends without needing painkillers.
I went on a long quest to fix my back pain and get it ready for sports again.
This program is the result of over two decades of learning about my own back pain and helping others with theirs.

It's not a medical diagnosis tool. It's not back pain pills. It's not some fancy supplement that is supposed to heal your back pain from the inside.
The Back Pain Fix program is an online program designed to help you solve your own back pain problems and get back to doing the things you love.
The Back Pain Fix is a comprehensive approach to the muscle issues that produce back pain. The program includes simple follow along workouts you can do at home with just a few rudimentary pieces of training equipment. The workouts restore your flexibility, strength, and mobility!
The Back Pain Fix helps you retrain key muscles all over your body to keep your back pain-free.
It costs less than two physical therapy visits and one month of chiropractic treatments.
And you will learn lessons that will keep you pain-free for life.
I work in tense surgical situations. I need to be extremely detail-oriented without losing sight of the bigger picture for my patients. That’s something I need to do well, and it’s a skill I recognize in others.
I believe in what Matt is trying to accomplish — promoting a perspective that helps others heal in a safe and holistic way. I give Matt my highest recommendation as a man of character and compassion, and I support his mission without reservation.
~ Dr. Nathan Waxer, D.O.

Physical therapy didn't help your back pain?
If you've gone through physical therapy only to find yourself with the same pain, with the same movement limitations, and a heart full of frustration, you're not alone.
Here's the reason you ran into frustration: conventional physical therapy puts too much attention on the wrong muscles, and the muscles that really need help get totally ignored!
Back pain physical therapy typically follows two main themes:
1) Strengthen the abs.
2) Strengthen, stretch, or relax the back muscles.
And for many people, NEITHER approach helps.
And when it doesn't help, they tell you to see a surgeon.

This is typical tunnel vision for back pain in the medical system.
Sometimes the tunnel vision is a result of the prescription a referring physician has written (and legal requirements that handcuff your therapist).
Sometimes it's because the physical therapist's last continuing education course strongly suggested that the lower back muscles are the only ones you have to pay attention to. Sometimes it's because the physical therapist is convinced planks work for back pain because he's seen it work for a handful of patients, and he read a paper on it somewhere...
No matter the reason, the results are disappointing if your problem isn't JUST weak abs or JUST weak back muscles. These approaches ignore the complex interactions of other muscles around your body.
For many back pain sufferers (if not ALL), the solution to back pain is taking a more sensible look at the body.
Massage therapy didn't help your back pain?

Massage for back pain often doesn't work in the long run.
If you've already spent thousands of dollars on massage, you know the deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
You trust that kneading and rubbing will improve everything...but eventually the effects wear off.
Here's why massage ALONE fails to fix back pain.
It cannot give you strength or flexibility where you need it.
And without those, your back and body will hurt no matter how many massages you get.
⭐ Not only did my back pain clear up, but my whole body has felt
healthier and better aligned.
I came to Upright Health with some lower back pain and Matt recognized that there were some foundational issues to be corrected. Matt gave me some easy-to-follow exercises to do on my own which have made a world of difference.
Not only did my back pain clear up, but my whole body has felt healthier and better aligned.
The best thing about Upright Health is that once you learn to do the exercises, you don't have to go back dozens of times like you would for a chiropractor or physical therapist.
It's the best "bang for your buck" to improve your body I've ever seen.
~ David
One of the biggest misconceptions about back pain is that all your attention needs to be on what you do to protect your spine. "Brace your abs! Do more spine stretching! Do less spine stretching! Do more spine strengthening!"

Some of these tactics can work—for SOME people in some situations. But these approaches often fail because they don't take into account the rest of your body.
To put it simply, a happy back is about more than just spinal muscles or abdominal muscles. You can beat back pain if and only if you train your entire body to function well as a unit.
If your hips are out of whack, your spine will pay a price.
If your shoulders are out of whack, your spine will pay a price.
And if your spine is out of whack, well, your spine will pay a price then too.
The key is to understand the relationships between segments of your body so you can address issues systematically—all over the body.
If you had a car tire that was constantly wearing out, you wouldn't keep patching and replacing the tire. You'd look at the rest of the car to see why so much stress was going to the one tire.
Conventional approaches to back pain are obsessed with the tire, rather than looking at the busted axle or bent frame.
Once you realize how interconnected segments of your body are, traditional approaches to back pain look downright ridiculous.

All muscles can (AND DO) relate to your back pain
One of the clearest examples of this phenomenon is with the quads. The quads don't attach to your spine anywhere. They attach to your pelvis and to the thigh and shin bone.
But if the quads are in a stiffened, shortened position, they will pull the front of your pelvis down. This will lock your lower back into a compressed arch, which can be pretty darn uncomfortable.
In this situation, you can do all the ab strength and low back-strengthening exercises you want, but you'll still have the same back pain—and you may even make it worse!

To fix back pain, you must think about your whole life. Not just an X-ray.
For decades, medical research has consistently shown that X-rays and MRIs are almost completely pointless for helping with back pain (except in the cases of some very rare cancers or other extreme abnormalities). For 99 percent of people suffering with chronic or recurring back pain, X-rays and MRIs can actually make you WORSE.
How can X-rays and MRI's make back pain worse?
By putting fear into your head that you have "arthritis, a bulging disc, or disc degeneration."
The reality is nearly everyone—whether they have back pain or not—has those same features in their spines.
Put another way: what doctors call "damage" in your spine is irrelevant. We've all got "damage". And research shows it's almost never related to back pain.
The thing is, doctors aren't trained to think about the larger context of your life and how it affects your back pain.
These are the real questions you need to ask. The answers help you solve your back pain.
The Back Pain Fix helps you get these answers.
There's no shortage of big promises for back pain solutions. This doctor says you'll be cured—once you heal from surgery. This other guy says three months of appointments, and you'll be fixed. This gal says four injections, and you'll be set for life. This other guy says you'll need 27 treatments, and your back pain will be a thing of the past.
Everyone means well (probably), but they're all missing a big piece of the real solution.
Everyone promises that they can solve your back pain for you. But the reality is back pain is something YOU need to take an active role in fixing.
Even if a surgery gives you temporary relief, even if a pill numbs the pain, even if massage or chiropractic work relieves your back pain for a day or a week or a month...
If you don't understand how to solve your own back pain yourself on your own terms, you're always going to feel helpless. Especially when the back pain strikes again.
The Back Pain Fix isn't a miracle cure. It's a program designed to help you identify the most common contributors to back pain and then gradually and patiently address them through movement and exercise.
⭐ Within 2 weeks, the pain and dysfunction were 75% gone. Two weeks later, I was and remain pain-free.
I had amazing results working with Matt in person. But I also have had equally amazing results with the online programs. Last July, I was working on lifting heavy at the gym. After one workout, I had bilateral lateral knee pain and left sided lateral hip to knee pain. I thought it would "just go away", but it didn't. I sought out several local treatments (massage, chiropractic, ART), and tried Pilates. Nothing helped. I was limping. I had trouble just going up one step and people at work started noticing.
I bought the Back Pain Fix on a Black Friday sale... I did it faithfully every day - even after 12 hour shifts. Within 2 weeks, the pain and dysfunction were 75% gone. Two weeks later, I was and remain pain-free...
~Sylvia S.

⭐ I had knee, ankle, and back problems for years and had seen every specialist out there, never with lasting results.
Matt was so quick to diagnose the source of my problems and come up with stretches and strength training to alleviate the issues.
I'm happy to say that I now go on extended hikes and have even tried mountain biking with no issues. I feel happy, healthy, and dare I say "young" again.
~ Manda
⭐ In an hour, Matt was able to identify and, through stretches and massage, correct a back issue that had been bothering me for months.
Previous doctors and chiropractors weren't able to make this much progress, if at all.
I walked away feeling better and confident in what to do next.
~ Henry, former client
This is what people say about my FREE YouTube videos on back pain!

Back Pain isn't hard to understand.
Imagine you put a brace on your torso so you can't twist or bend your upper body for one year. Would it affect your spine? Sure.
Imagine you put a splint around your knee so you couldn't bend it for one year. Would it affect your spine? Of course. The limp would cause all kinds of compensations.
What if you taped your arm down so you could never lift it out to the side? Sure! The asymmetrical use of your arms and shoulders would force muscles to work and develop asymmetrically all the way down to your feet.
Imagine you stopped twisting or bending your spine, you stopped bending your knee, or you stopped raising one arm out to the side for 10 or 20 years. No splint or tape necessary. The effect is still the same.
Every one of us has movement patterns, daily habits, and old injuries that affect how we move and maintain muscle. If we let our muscles atrophy asymmetrically, it causes problems. If we allow ourselves to lose strength and coordination, it causes problems.
The answer to back pain is simple. Balance out muscle activity and make sure you get enough of it.
All of this seems complicated only because nobody ever explains the importance to us when we're kids.
And medical authorities have been glacially slow at realizing that exercise is a better back pain solution than pills or surgery (but at least they finally have).
How does the Back Pain Fix address the root causes of your back pain?
This isn't like other back pain programs that have you sitting around doing the same five silly exercises over and over again. You won't be wasting all your time doing planks until you puke.
The Back Pain Fix addresses the biggest causes of back pain with an effective and exclusive Upright Health approach. Over the course of 15 weeks, you will use this three-part system to fix your back pain...

Increase your flexibility in your hips, shoulders, and spine using specialized exercises that most trainers and physical therapists have never been taught!

Build and maintain full-body strength with simple, time-efficient workouts. You'll get stronger and resilient for the long haul. No more living in fear of back pain every time you bend over.

Make small but powerful changes that will give you a leg up on your back pain. You'll get better sleep, reduce your stress levels, and enjoy your life more.
How much time do I need to spend on exercise to fix my back pain with this program?
On a daily basis, we've made sure to keep your exercise load manageable. In the Back Pain Fix, some days you're only doing twenty minutes of structured exercise in the morning.
Some days you're committing to one hour spread across the whole day.
No matter what, every day is manageable and well worth the time invested.

What kind of exercises are in the Back Pain Fix?
The Back Pain Fix focuses on a systematic schedule of corrective exercises to help you move right and feel right.
The exercises are simple, can be done at home, and can be made progressively harder.
Your customized home workout is not about sweating and panting and puffing. It's not about getting ripped, losing the belly fat, and getting shredded.
And it's certainly not about wimpy exercises that don't feel like they're doing anything!
The Back Pain Fix is about carefully and gradually improving function.
It includes detailed exercise instructions with progressive coaching to help you.
This is a clip from the Back Pain Fix program.
What's included in this back pain program?

This is a one-time fee. There is no recurring billing.

Tamara D.
Hi. I've just started your Back Pain Fix program!
Thanks for all you do and for sharing your knowledge... I've had chronic back pain for ten years, and because of you, I'm already getting up and down the stairs more easily.
Your advice and lessons have defied what numerous medical specialists have told me over the years. In fact, 8 years ago, I was told that I would be in pain forever and take pain pills for the rest of my life. I didn't accept that.
I used to be a runner, and today I did my first day of Couch to 5K again.
Thanks so much.
What kind of equipment do I need for this program?
Do I have to be an athlete to do this program?
Am I too old to do this program?
Will this program work on my mobile device or tablet?
Is there a DVD available?
Why should I believe this will work?
Does this address SI joint dysfunction?
I have scoliosis. Will this help?
I have shoulder, hip, AND back pain. Is this program right for me?
I have a herniated disc L5/S1 / L4L5 / spinal stenosis. Will this program help?

I've created a program relieve your back pain for good, and I stand by it.
If you try the Back Pain Fix and decide it's not a good fit for you—just email us within 60 days of purchase using the contact widget in the course, and you'll get a full refund.
Start fixing your back pain today.
START NOWOne time payment with no subscription fees or other gimmicks.
This program is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions and is not a replacement for individual medical advice.
Every effort has been made to make this program as effective as possible for as many people as possible. However, no exercise program can be a 100% perfect fit for every person on the planet. Suitability for your issues and results cannot be 100% guaranteed. However, you have a full 60 days to try the program risk-free with the Upright Guarantee.
If for any reason the program doesn't feel like a good fit for you, we make it super easy to get 100% of your money back. 💪