$147.00 USD

Start the Healthy Hips Program (FAI)

Rebuild Your Hips at Home! 

What you'll get:

  • Quick Start Program with 9 powerful follow along workouts  to improve flexibility and strength, plus bonus videos including a STANDING ONLY option plus help with functional goals (toe touch, deep squat, balance)
  • Custom Program with detailed tests and workouts to improve your hip mobility with over 70 instructional and follow along workout videos targeted at your specific issues
  • Practical schedules and plans for different levels of ability, flexibility, and activity 


You'll find the right balance for your hips from Day 1, and you'll have options to keep improving your hips for YEARS to come. 


What People Are Saying:

Can't believe the progress I've made in just one week! Wish I would have found your site 4 months ago - could have been able to ski this winter instead of limping around the house.


Thank you for creating the Healthy Hips Programs. They have literally changed my life. I have pregnancy-induced hip dysfunction (from three years ago) that only your programs have been able to cure. So thank you, thank you!


Your program has helped me so much. I believe the vast majority of FAI patients should probably be doing your program instead of the doctor -prescribed treatments for FAI syndrome. This experience has blown my mind, because I grew up believing I should always trust my doctor. Perhaps financial incentives are to blame for why so many orthopedic doctors prescribe surgery for so many patients who simply need to work on their soft tissues in order to heal.


I’ve been doing the Healthy Hips stretches and exercises the last two days and I already feel SO MUCH BETTER. After 5 years of trying with PT and rolfing and pilates and yoga, this is amazing (for multiple reasons, not the least of which is – why aren’t those other practitioners clued in to this stuff?)… You know how you don’t know something is hurting until it stops? I’m feeling THAT kind of better. In addition to the kind where you know very well it was hurting before! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


My husband and I are delighted with the program. As truck drivers we sit a lot and have very stiff hips. We never were the most flexible people anyway. We are in our sixties and after 3 weeks of this program, we are moving and feeling better than we have in years. My husband hurt his illium muscle years ago and it never completely healed. He was always afraid it would go out if he moved wrong. That pain is gone. H e also has a fake hip. He babied that side for years, but is gaining flexibility, strength and mobility. I have had sciatic off and on and a catch in my hip. That is going away. We walk a lot for exercise and since doing these exercises it is much more pleasant and less painful.

Don and Stacy Storm