Fixing FAI and Hip Arthritis Without Surgery - Peter Interview femoroacetabular impingement hip health videos

This is a one hour interview with someone who has FAI and hip arthritis. He is in his mid 50s and has improved his hips and reduced pain over the course of 5 or 6 years with GREAT results.

Peter Inte...

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Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI): What You Need to Know and What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You femoroacetabular impingement hip health

Before you jump into surgery for your hip pain, consider how reported success rates may be skewed and how you might be able to use functional training to fix painful muscle imbalance and dysfunction.

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Hip impingement surgery – can you return to sports and other activities? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

A 2018 study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine claims that surgery for hip impingement is VERY successful. It says that arthroscopic hip surgery for femoroacetabular impingement reliably prod...

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Your Hips Don’t Lie: Is Surgery for FAI Worth It? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

This post is written by Naushad Godrej, a friend of Upright Health.

Do you ever feel a pinch in your hip when you sit down for an extended period of time? Is it difficult for you to lift your knee to...

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A Deeper Look into “Conservative Treatment” for FAI femoroacetabular impingement hip health


Femoracetabular Impingement (“FAI”) is a near and dear topic for us at Upright Health. We have had countless clients at Upright Health who wanted conservative treatment for FAI (meaning NO surgery)...

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My FAI Story – Part 2: Three Specific Strategies I Used To Get Out of Hip Pain femoroacetabular impingement hip health

This is a post by Maks Reznik. He is an Upright Health trainer alumnus. You can find more of his content on hip pain at his website on hip pain here..

This is part II of a three-part series.  If you...

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My FAI Story – Part 1: The two big reasons why I didn’t get surgery for femoroacetabular impingement femoroacetabular impingement hip health

Thinking about surgery for hip impingement? Years ago, I met online with a young attorney named Maks in New York City who was afraid he needed to get hip surgery. He had lost the ability to play baske...

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Hip impingement: how does hip surgery compare with physical therapy? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

We’ve talked about hip impingement, the success rates for FAI surgery, and even if surgery is worth it. But what if we compare the results of treating hip impingement with surgery versus physical ther...

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Another study on the success of surgery for FAI (not good news for patients) femoroacetabular impingement hip health

When people are considering surgery for femoroacetabular impingement, they often hear some extraordinary predictions of success. One client with hip pain said his surgeon gave him 99% certainty that h...

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How do you fix trigger points with FAI? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

You’ve been told you’ve got hip impingement. You don’t want surgery. You’ve started learning how to exercise your hips and to do massage work on yourself. Now you’ve discovered TRIGGER POINTS!


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Is Arthoscopic Hip Surgery for FAI better than physical therapy? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

New Study Compares Arthroscopic Surgery for FAI to Conservative Treatment

In a recent study, researchers compared the effectiveness of arthroscopic surgery for FAI versus conservative treatment (non-...

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Hip injection for FAI and labral tears: is it worth it? Is it accurate? femoroacetabular impingement hip health

Are you considering a hip injection to test for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)? Has a hip surgeon told you he can use a hip injection to diagnose FAI or a labral tear with certainty? In this artic...

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